The Texense® PTH-CAN is a combined sensor designed to measure relative humidity, temperature, and absolute pressure. This sensor has many potential applications, such as air intakes or piping es in engines powered by for powertrains (including hydrogen fuel cells).
The Texense® PTH-CAN is one of our latest developments. Its name stands for “Pressure Temperature Humidity”, meaning it is a combined sensor designed to measure relative humidity, temperature, and absolute pressure.
The PTH-CAN’s compact and robust aluminium & stainless-steel packaging has been optimised to withstand high relative humidity and high temperature environments.
• High sampling frequency: 100 Hz
• Configurable output frequency: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 or 100 Hz
• Compact and rugged design: 47,5 x 52,7 x 11 mm
• CAN bus output
• Customisable CAN frame, CAN baud rate and CAN type
• Large power supply range: 6 to 30 V
• Range:
o Air temperature: -20 to +105°C
o Absolute pressure: 200 to 2500 mbarA
o Relative humidity: 0 to 100% RH
The PTH-CAN allows the monitoring and control of pressure, temperature, and humidity levels in the hydrogen fuel cell flow. This sensor has many potential applications, such as air intake pipes in engines powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.
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€489.00 Excl. VATQuantity: